Building of Guhyasamadji Sand mandala
And it is not the matter of popularization of the esoteric teachings: the aim of the monks is in the context of the principles of so called “Bodhisattva Vehicle” – give the benefit to as many sentient beings as possible. It is known, that one glance to mandala is enough to be purified from diseases and negative inclinations, and also to accumulate “merit” – a positive potential contributing to further spiritual growth.
Each day starts and finishes with rituals with the throat chanting and Tibetan instruments, which invariably attract many spectators. Contemplation of mandala building is a meditative process. Some people come for a couple of minutes, the others – for a couple of hours to watch how is the mandala flower opening in one’s sight, to experience peace and infinite wisdom of Buddhas. The monks eagerly answer the questions concerning the meaning and symbolism of mandala, monastic arts, study and life in the monastery. After completion of building, mandala is destroyed. Destruction of mandala is a special ritual; its aim is to emphasize one of the main Buddhist postulates – the idea of impermanence of everything that exists.
The sand blessed by many days of rituals, in a beautiful procession with the sounds of Tibetan long trumpets and brazen plates, is brought to the river, lake or the ocean and is offered as a gift to the water spirits with the request to spread the blessing around the world. Festival «Tibet-2004», all events
Тибетский Дом в Москве / Tibet House in Moscow tel.: +7-905-517-51-70 E-mail: chintamany@inbox.ru moscow@tibethouse.ru © 2004-2021 |