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White Paper: Why Tibet is Burning…
ll Tibetans who have set themselves ablaze have called for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to his homeland and freedom for Tibet. What are the causes which drive Tibetans to such acts of extreme desperation?
Robert Beer "The Encyclopedia of Tibetan symbols and ornaments“
This is going to be a high-quality large-format illustrated album (295 to 210 mm.) printed on the Finnish coated paper, with a hardcover; its volume is 400 pages. The Encyclopedia covers the entire spectrum of symbols and attributes of Tibetan Buddhism, and the material used by the author while writing this book has the highest culturological value, introducing the original images, detected and systematized by him in the course of many years of studying Tibetan art. This book is not just a detailed and authoritative encyclopedia, it is perceived by the reader as a fascinating journey through the various levels and categories of the most profound symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. On its pages one will find more than two hundred detailed author illustrations performed with traditional thin brushes and ink with incredible accuracy and thoroughness, and thematically grouped in the original size. On performing of each of the drawings the author spent from 50 to 200 hours. In general, the work on this book took him eight years. Images are accompanied with very detailed explanations of the origins of symbols, their outer, inner and secret meaning. The author tells about the origin of symbols of Tibetan Buddhism and the process of integration of ancient Indian and world symbolism in the traditions of Mahayana and Vajrayana, with their inherent esoteric significance and multilevel interpretation. Also the book tells about the canons of images of different symbols in the Tibetan thangka-painting. Encyclopedic knowledge of the authoris is derived not from books, but is a result of the thirty years of research and creative work in Tibetan art and learning from living Tibetan masters. Going through the first few pages and looking through the first few drawings, one might want to read a book until the end. The book is written in a simple and accessible language, and, at the same time, its style is elegant and poetic. Robert Beareis a true artist!
V.P. Androsov "Indo-Tibetan Buddhism""Tibet House Moscow” and Centre of Practices "Open World" represent the project of edition of Encyclopedia of V.P. Androsov "Indo-Tibetan Buddhism". Monograph of professor V.P. Androsov, which includes more than 700 interpretations of Buddhist terms, contains extensive information about philosophy, history, mythology of Buddhism, its major personalities and literary sources. In the short and intensive dictionary entries the author reveals one of the brightest layers of Oriental culture, exploring in an open minded way the essence of theoretical concepts of Buddhism and their development in various schools and trends. In the dictionary readers will find the articles related not only to ancient India and Tibet (including the traditional Tibetan Buddhist Peoples of Russia), but also essays regarding the existence of this culture in other countries starting with the past centuries to the present. This book will be useful for young researchers of Buddhism, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the culture of the East.
Publishing activityPublishing House “Open World” published two new books: Robert Thurman «Tibetan Book of the Dead»
Let the Chinese know at last, that they were deceived by their governments and let them understand, that the rules of humanity and justice have been broken! Let their hearts soften and they cure the wounds they've delivered to the innocent nation. Let Tibetans achieve freedom and independence they used to have since the beginning of their history! And let the light of Tibetan spiritual science shine brightly above the renewed world! Russian translation O.Albedil. – Open World, 2005, Moscow. -352 p. ISBN 5-9743-0002-5 Robert Thurman «Infinite Life» Robert Thurman suggests a Buddhist view of gaining the infinite life and its perception. And this is not the way of obscure nihilism or constrained conditionality, but the way of joy and optimism, diversity and discovery. Russian translation A. Stepanova – Open World, 2005, Moscow. -384 p. ISBN 5-9743-0001-7 See also: Presentation of the book “Infinite life”
Film «Bhutanese Transparent Lama» (DVD)
The general plans of two countries are involved in the film: last years of his life he was the abbot of the monastery in Nepal, and Bhutan is the country where he was born. His first western students Ole and Hannah Nydahl share the memories about their spiritual teacher Tseche Rinpoche. The chronicle from Tseche Rinpoche's life is also used in the film.
Òèáåòñêèé Äîì â Ìîñêâå / Tibet House in Moscow tel.: +7-905-517-51-70 E-mail: chintamany@inbox.ru moscow@tibethouse.ru © 2004-2021 |