CHARITYGuest house on the territory Help in construction
RENEW PROJECTRespect, Educate, Nurture, Empower Women
Providing an opportunity for everyone to participate in translating RENEW's mission into reality within the context of their lives. Believing in partnership - as a donor, volunteer and friend of RENEW. Vision: Mission: Formally established in 2004, RENEW was founded by Her Majesty the Queen Ashi Sangay Choden Wangchuck - in response to the needs of disadvantaged women and adolescent girls she encountered while touring regional areas of Bhutan. Message from Her Majesty Ashi Sangay Choden Wangchuck, President and Founder of RENEWBhutanese women are slowly beginning to understand that violence is not meant to be a part of their lives. The issue of domestic and sexual violence has gained better focus in the recent years. New cases come to our attention almost every day. Since the establishment of RENEW in 2004 the Organization has gained valuable insight into the lives of women who have been let down physically, mentally, emotionally and economically. Some of their experiences have been incredibly moving. RENEW's commitment to building strong supportive communities and promoting peaceful relationships at the individual, family and community levels has received a positive response both at home and abroad. I commend the excellent initiatives of various volunteers and friends of RENEW and acknowledge the generous support of friends both nationally and internationally. While the progress is encouraging we need to enhance efforts to secure a future where our women are safe from violence, abuse and ill health. Home is for love and happiness, not for violence!
Raven Circle - Takin Circle Blue Poppy Circle - Cyprus Circle -
How to donate? Become a Friend of RENEW and support the RENEW Secretariat to implement their programs. RENEW Secretariat
Тибетский Дом в Москве / Tibet House in Moscow tel.: +7-905-517-51-70 E-mail: chintamany@inbox.ru moscow@tibethouse.ru © 2004-2021 |