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Russian Buddhists celebrate anniversary
September 27-28, Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia celebrates the 250th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute Khambo lamas in the Russian Federation.
In 1741 Her Majesty Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, by the Supreme Decree, has recognized Buddhist religion as an official religion in the territory of the Russian Empire. She received oaths to Tzar and Fatherland from 150 priests – all eleven lamas from Buryat datsans.
In 1764 Her Majesty Empress Ekaterina II has founded the senior state post - the Head of Buddhists in Baikal region and Eastern Siberia, the post of Khambo Lama, granting it to Damba Darja Zayaev, a founder of the first Buryat datsan Shireete, Lama of Tsongolsky datsan “Baldan Breybun”. Thus the Empress has marked the beginning of the history of Autocephalous Buddhist Church in Russia. In 2014, 250 years have passed since Her Majesty Empress Ekaterina II founded the Institution of Khambo Lamas of Russia.
In 1911 Dasha Dorzho Etigelov, Shireete Lama of Yangazhinsky datsan, was elected to the post of Khambo Lama XII. Appeared before His Majesty Emperor Nickolas II, he made an oath of loyalty to Monarchy and Fatherland. In February 1913, by invitation of His Majesty Emperor Nicholas II, Hambo Lama D. Etigelov arrived in St. Petersburg where he took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.
Hambo Lama held a large prayer in honor of the royal family at “Gunzechoyney” datsan newly opened in the capital of Russia. In 1917, after Nicholas II’s abdication, Hambo Lama Dasha Dorjo Etigelov has also received from the duties as the Head of the Buddhists of the Russian Empire. In 1927, at the age of 75 years, He was lost in deep meditation, the first 75 years of which He spent under the ground. In 2002 He returned to humanity making Imperishability Phenomenon a reality. And at present the Teacher has been close to us for 12 years continuing His service to Fatherland, the great Russia...
With support of Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, the traditional Buddhism in Russia has got its bright and multilateral development: we observe revival of historic Buddhist monasteries Sangha of Russia, revival of Buddhist high school and lost traditions as well as school of Buddhist art, architecture and so on. Construction of new Buddhist temples in Russian regions is realization of prediction of the Buddha Sakyamuni saying that His teachings, supported by the rulers, will spread from India far to the North where it will bring perpetual benefit for all living beings…
On July 25, 2014 the highest visit of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna took place in Ivolginsky Datsan. It was a historical event: the Institution of Khambo Lamas of Russia, in the year of the 250th anniversary of its foundation, and the Imperial House of Romanov have restored tradition of good relations between these two institutions established by the Empress Ekaterina II in 1764. International guests will participate in the scientific-practical conference "Buddhism and the State", as well as part of the celebration will be held a gala evening at the State Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, a special prayer-Hural dedicated Khambo XII Lama Dashi Dorzho Itigelov and sports holiday “Itigelov Games”. By: http://www.sangharussia.ru/
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